Jodi Thiel


Research Coordinator

Jodi has lived in the Puget Sound area her entire life.  She began her career in healthcare at Group Health in 1989. After 21 years, Jodi was ready for a change and became passionate about research, moving to Fred Hutchinson where she served for 11 years before transitioning to the S​outh Sound CARE team.  

This is, by far, my most fulfilling career move. Like many people, I have experienced losses due to cancer. Having gone through that without the help of a team like South Sound CARE made me realize just how important what we do for patients and their families is. It’s difficult to navigate such unknown territory, but especially so while dealing with a disease where the stakes are so high. Working here, we help participants navigate through the system, but most importantly, we offer them options. Whether it is clinical trials or the chance to try new cutting-edge drugs, it’s frequently those options that give our patients more time with their families. I can’t imagine anything better than that.
Erica Stupfel

e*design Creative Services specializes in making professional design available to small companies and individuals. I understand the importance in brand identity and how a positive visual representation of your product or service can make the difference between success and failure. Your ideas and vision combined with my marketing and design expertise will be a sure success story.

Samantha Elliott