CARE Research Published!

We are thrilled to share that a recent paper written by our CARE team was published in Journal Clinical Oncology—Precision Oncology, a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research, reports, opinions, and reviews that advance the science and practice of precision oncology, define genomics, and other biomarker-driven clinical care of patients with cancer. 

The paper, titled “Safety, Feasibility, and Merits of Longitudinal Molecular Testing of Multiple Metastatic Sites to Inform mTNBC Patient Treatment in Intensive Trial of Omics in Cancer” was written in part by our own Kimberly Burton, PhD. In partnership with All 4 Cure, this paper shares the incredible research conducted to help patients fight metastatic triple negative breast cancer by sharing data from any test that might shed light on their treatment. 

Through All 4 Cure, cancer treatment is no longer just one patient and one doctor, but instead, a collective effort of many doctors and patients, leading to better outcomes and faster progress in cancer research and treatment. 

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What’s It Like To Be On The “Other Side” Of Cancer?


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